Functional Medicine
Root Cause, Lab Tested & Whole Lifestyle Plan for Health that is Unique to You.
Optimize Your Energy & Health
Offering Personalized Functional Medicine Visits.

Healing is not found within your diagnosis. Your unique root cause and the keys to health and healing are determined by figuring out why you were susceptible to the diagnosis in the first place and fixing the problem at the root of the issue.
What’s Your Why?
Why are you developing arthritis and facing knee surgery or replacement?
Why did your ACL tear when you’ve trained, and you are “healthy” and active?
Why does tissue suddenly fail when it is usually resillient?
Why were you susceptible to Lyme disease when your immune system should be strong enough to fight infections and heal?
Why did you develop allergies?
Why do you have fatigue when your body should make energy efficiently?

You are not broken, your body is just imbalanced.
Our stressors are all unique and they create imbalances that cause unique symptoms, illness, and leave us susceptible to injury.
What’s Blocking Your Healing?
Is there a toxin, infection, genetic predisposition driving your symptoms? You won’t find out just by taking a pill for an ill.
If you find your body’s unique block to healing, you can work to remove it and get your healing kick-started again.
If you're not testing, your guessing.

Let us help you help you identify your WHY and your unique blocks to healing.
Personalized Medicine
Your personal roadmap to health is unique to you, based on your whole life history, your inherited predispositions, and a better understanding of how to mitigate these blocks to healing within your body.
When you know better, you do better.